I’m excited to tell you RESCUING LARA is nominated for a Reviewer’s Choice Award by the Paranormal Romance Guild. It’s in the “Paranormal Erotic / Romance Suspense Thriller Novel” category. What a mouthful!
If you’d like to help me out — pretty please — you can vote here:

7 comments on “Award Nomination: Rescuing Lara

  1. Lyn, loved the book and of course, you have my vote!


  2. Serenityridgenc@aol.com

    Lyn, I loved reading that book and of course, you’ve got my vote! Cheri Kay Clifton Author of the Wheels of Destiny Trilogy

    _Amazon_ (http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002BLZOKC)

    _My web site _ (http://www.cherikayclifton.com/)

    _Face Book_ (http://www.facebook.com/CheriKayClifton)


  3. Voted, good luck.


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