Self-publishing Writing Tips

Writers In The Storm: Get Your E-Book Noticed

My new post for Writers In The Storm just went up. This is a follow-up to a series I wrote for my friends over there several months back, titled Publishing With Amazon. The topic is “Get Your E-Book Noticed: Presentation, Promotion & Patience.” If you’d care to read this post, here’s the link:

I highly recommend this writers’ site. Several talented authors co-host it, and they have developed a large following.

Lyn Horner resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and a pair of very spoiled cats. Trained in the visual arts, Lyn worked as a fashion illustrator and art instructor before she took up writing. This hobby grew into a love of research and the crafting of passionate love stories based on that research. This blog is designed to spotlight Lyn's books and share the work of other creative people.

2 comments on “Writers In The Storm: Get Your E-Book Noticed

  1. Pingback: Powerful EBook Creation – Top 7 Reliable Secrets to Breakthrough With EBook Creation « ebookwriterseoarticlewritingservice

  2. Pingback: Wordpress is crazy good for writers « The Trough

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