
Dog & Tern v Southern Sea Lion~

Cindy Knoke

Poor bull sea-lion can’t catch a break!

First the Inca Tern attacks.

Then the sleeping dog rouses,

and goes on the attack too!

The dog wins!

But the big bull was not happy about it!

Cheers to you from Chile’s bullied bulls~

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Lyn Horner resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and a pair of very spoiled cats. Trained in the visual arts, Lyn worked as a fashion illustrator and art instructor before she took up writing. This hobby grew into a love of research and the crafting of passionate love stories based on that research. This blog is designed to spotlight Lyn's books and share the work of other creative people.

2 comments on “Dog & Tern v Southern Sea Lion~

  1. The ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ ᶘᵒᴥᵒᶅ and I are grateful for you Lyn!

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