Writers In The Storm Writing Tips

Writers In The Storm

I’m now a permanent contributing blogger on Writers In The Storm. WITS is a popular writers’ site hosted by a group of very talented authors, several multi-published. I’m honored by the opportunity to be associated with them. Please visit me on WITS and explore this fascinating, informative site.


Lyn Horner resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and a pair of very spoiled cats. Trained in the visual arts, Lyn worked as a fashion illustrator and art instructor before she took up writing. This hobby grew into a love of research and the crafting of passionate love stories based on that research. This blog is designed to spotlight Lyn's books and share the work of other creative people.

2 comments on “Writers In The Storm

  1. lifewith4cats

    Congratulations. That looks like its gonna be rewarding and fun. 🙂 Good for you! 🙂


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