
Why Indie Authors Must Embrace Change An Indie Author Manifesto for the New Year…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

By Stephanie Chandler  on Non-Fiction Authors Association Site:

This past November, I was among the many indie authors disrupted by the news that Pronoun was shutting down. If you aren’t familiar with it, Pronoun was an ebook distributor run by Macmillan Publishing. I was using it to distribute the ebook versions of my three nonfiction books on non-Amazon retailers.

I set off to choose a different platform for ebook distribution. My search took me to Facebook groups and other online gatherings of indie authors, where I encountered the shockwaves of this closure firsthand.

In hindsight, of course, none of us really should have been surprised. No one promised us a long run with the service. But a few of the reactions from indie authors were extreme. Some authors reacted with panic (move all your books NOW!). Others despaired. One person wrote, “There goes my plan for 2018!”

The loss of…

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Lyn Horner resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and a pair of very spoiled cats. Trained in the visual arts, Lyn worked as a fashion illustrator and art instructor before she took up writing. This hobby grew into a love of research and the crafting of passionate love stories based on that research. This blog is designed to spotlight Lyn's books and share the work of other creative people.

2 comments on “Why Indie Authors Must Embrace Change An Indie Author Manifesto for the New Year…

  1. Frank Kelso

    Lyn I don’t get the point the blog article is trying to make about alternate source of sales outlets for authors. I’ve had this same discussion with members of my local writers at Mobile Writers Guild. Several members publish syfy and talk about Apple, Kobo, B&N, Nook sales and doing signing at local book stores. These authors disdain Amazon as the “evil overlord”? and are pleased with selling a few books /wk.

    I’m signed up in Amazon/Kindle Select and Kindle Unlimited (KU). I sell exclusively on Amazon. I’m making over $500/mo on KU page reads. I don’t have to do any extra work to collect this revenue. When I run a Amazon/Kindle promotion with “free” or 99c sales, I see a boost in KU page read revenues. I wouldn’t give up KU revenue to sell a few books on Apple, Kobo, B&N, & Nook.

    Amazon controls 85% of the market. Why spend my precious time to chase small market shares while giving up KU revenues?? Is Amazon a big bully? Sure! Am I going to change how Amazon does business? FAT chance! However, If it’s a choice between standing on the sidelines and grumbling about how unfair Amazon is, or playing along to sell my books and collect KU revenue, I’ll play Amazon’s game. Frank

    Virus-free. http://www.avast.com

    On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 6:41 AM, Lyn Horner’s Corner wrote:

    > Lyn Horner posted: ” ” >


    • Frank, I understand where you’re coming from. I’m also a Kindle Select/KU author and have no plans to go wide in the foreseeable future. But some authors fell differently, which is why I chose to share this post. Two sides to every story.


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