Opal is an experienced video designer. I met her (online) through Frank Kelso, author and organizer of THE POSSE western romance anthology. I told Opal I wanted to post the short trailer she created for my story in the anthology and asked her to tell me a little about herself. Here’s her answer:

“I have a facebook Page www.facebook.com/videosbyo as well as a blog that I use more as a website. www.videosbyo.blogspot.com
I have been creating videos for about 5 years now. To date I have made over 400 videos and over 200 book cover GIF’s 🙂

There really isn’t much to say about me LOL My MAIN goal is to make sure that ANY author or publisher that wants a video can get one and budget is not a factor. I keep my prices very low and for anyone interested in a full book trailer I actually let the client pick the price 🙂 This is to make sure that no matter the client’s budget they can pay what they feel the video is worth to them or what they can afford without breaking the bank :)”

After viewing examples of Opal’s work on her blog site, I could find lots more to say about her, but I will let a few of the videos she did for THE POSSE speak for themselves:

Lyn Horner https://youtu.be/Rtp0IgFk4S0

Charlene Raddon https://youtu.be/-GOaqc4GiQ4

Chimp Robertson  https://youtu.be/f1D0AsqEdck

4 comments on “Need a video trailer? Meet Opal Campbel

  1. Great post, Lyn. I need to do the same.


  2. Lyn, thanks for passing on Opal’s information. Best wishes for both of you for continued success.


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