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Wonderful Review for “Six Cats In My Kitchen”

April 22, 2011

By L. Jenkins “Laurie-J”

This review is from: Six Cats In My Kitchen (Kindle Edition)

I opened this book up on my kindle to basically glance over the first several pages to ensure the download came through properly, and found myself hard-pressed to set it down. It is written in a conversational style that made me feel as if I was listening to a friend chatting with me over a cup of coffee. There is a lot of humor peppered throughout the narrative, but I do agree with the author’s declaration that this book is not just a cutesy kitty book. There are, for instance, several episodes that I found heart-rending. Overall, though, I thoroughly enjoyed and could relate to the self-deprecating humor found within. Her animal companions are cherished family members, all with distinctive personalities and quirks.

Ms. Horner does a masterful job weaving the details of a busy and productive family life, dealing with the affects of a progressive and debilitating genetic disorder, and providing entertaining and candid insights into feline behavior and temperament. There are numerous pages of pictures scattered throughout. I wish the pictures could have been enlarged with perhaps just one or two images to each kindle page, instead of the usual montage of four or five images, so that I could have seen more detail. But, the pictures were a particularly nice touch, and I enjoyed those pages almost as much as I liked the story. Being a cat lover myself, and deeply devoted to their happiness and welfare, I am not entirely in agreement with some particulars, but then again, I am sure there are probably almost as many ideas about cat care and sharing living space with the curious creatures as there are different types of cats. I recommend this book and I know you will be as charmed as I was.

Lyn Horner resides in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband and a pair of very spoiled cats. Trained in the visual arts, Lyn worked as a fashion illustrator and art instructor before she took up writing. This hobby grew into a love of research and the crafting of passionate love stories based on that research. This blog is designed to spotlight Lyn's books and share the work of other creative people.

2 comments on “Wonderful Review for “Six Cats In My Kitchen”

  1. lifewith4cats

    hmm I read this review somewhere else I think? Maybe on the amazon link. It sounds like such a good book. One day Ide like to review it as well on my blog. But I dont have kindle. Im resisting the idea of the electronic book until such time as they put in a light for night time reading. 🙂


    • texasdruids

      Hey fellow cat lover, good to see you here. Yes, Laurie posted her review on my Amazon retail page, God bless her! I decided to copy and paste it to my blog sites and facebook fan page. One can never have too much publicity!

      I’d love for you to review Six Cats, and I’d be glad to gift it to you if you want to send me your email addy. You don’t have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle book. Amazon offers free reading apps for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and Android. BTW I purchased a cover for my Kindle that includes a pull-up light. It works well. My email: texasdruids@hotmail.com Lyn


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